Even though laws requiring auto insurance can be strict, not every driver follows them. If you have been in a motor vehicle accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist, you may have more options than you realize. Before you settle with any insurance company, contact our firm to learn about your legal rights and options.
Sacramento Area Car Accident Lawyers
A motor vehicle accident can change your life forever in less than a second. If you have been injured in a car, truck or motorcycle accident, or as a pedestrian, get the legal help you can rely on to help you and your family recover full and fair compensation for your injuries and your loss.
At Ashton & Price, we have helped our clients obtain more than $100 million in settlements and jury awards since 1996. We can also assist you with a claim against your own uninsured or underinsured motorist policy, which in most cases will not raise your insurance rates — and we can help you get the right medical care for your injuries, even if you don’t have medical insurance or can’t afford any out-of-pocket expenses.
The articles below provide general medical information about motor vehicle accidents. For answers to questions about your own case, contact us online for a free consultation with one of our attorneys.
No matter what the specific cause or result, a motor vehicle accident of any type can turn a normal day into a prolonged and daily struggle. Speaking with a lawyer can help you sort out your rights, your options and your future. Call
Ashton & Price, LLP in Fair Oaks, California, to learn more:
When a driver has been in an accident, no-fault auto insurance allows the driver to collect from his or her insurance company no matter who was at fault. Not every state has a no-fault insurance structure, but those that do have very specific laws governing when, how much and for how long the injured party may collect. Contact Ashton & Price, L.L.P. in Fair Oaks,to schedule a consultation with an attorney to discuss how California views fault and to determine how the laws may affect your right to recover damages for injuries.
How No-Fault Insurance Works
No-fault insurance is a system in which auto insurance pays benefits the insured driver in case of an accident. The insurance compensates the insured driver for monetary losses, no matter who was at fault. This is contrary to systems in which the at-fault driver’s insurance company must pay the bulk of the compensation after an investigation and determination of fault by the insurance companies or the courts.
The system is designed to streamline the process of payments to injured people and to lower the burden on the courts. Under the no-fault insurance system, it can be more difficult to sue an at-fault driver for damages; the insured typically must have been quite seriously injured in order to take such legal action. On the other hand, monetary recovery for the insured is more certain under no-fault insurance because the compensation is immediately available through the insurance policy of the injured party. No-fault insurance policies often have a cap on the compensation they will pay.
The no-fault insurance system prevents injured parties from receiving a windfall due to the accident, but it also ensures compensation no matter who caused the accident. In a no-fault state, the other driver will also receive compensation from his or her insurance company if that driver sustained certain economic losses. The specifics of no-fault insurance laws vary widely by state.
Personal Injury Protection (PIP)
If you have a no-fault insurance policy, it is probably called a personal injury protection (PIP) package. PIP insurance pays for the medical expenses of the insured driver and the passengers who were injured in an auto accident. PIP insurance typically covers things like medical bills, wage loss and funeral expenses, but not pain and suffering or vehicle damage. This varies by state and particular insurance policy. The PIP packages have limits on what they will pay.
Speak with an Attorney
How you handle the situation after a motor vehicle accident can make a significant difference in your monetary recovery. Dealing with insurance companies can be especially tricky. In addition, the no-fault and fault insurance systems vary widely by state. Speaking with an attorney from Ashton & Price, L.L.P. in Fair Oaks, California, will help to clear up the confusion these systems can cause.
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